The Grand Challenge

Chapter 2 - Reality

Why... is this happening?


As soon as my breath returned to my avatar’s body, I felt an uncomfortable amount of liquid welling up in my throat, and not a moment later, I started to cough out blood.

This… isn’t good….

My avatar body started to slump over into the pile of garbage we were launched into as the ground began to rumble beneath us.

Why… is this happening…

Now that I REALLY think about it, I was so immersed in this VR world that I never stopped to think what was happening with my physical body. Am I trapped in here? What happens when I die in this game?

Will I die in real life, too?

I lived alone as almost all of my immediate family passed away around the same time for various reasons, and the traumatic aftermath led me to cut off all contact with people who I used to consider friends. If my mind gets lost here, how long will it take for someone to realize? Will I stay in bed and fester into some horrific mummified corpse?

“Hnn… hnn…”

As these horrifying thoughts began to spin in my mind, I heard a whimper and quiet sobbing racked with pain and despair.

But… from where?

“No… this isn’t what I was promised. I just wanted to find him, I wanted to see him one last time and ask why… but I won’t be able to anymore… I’m sorry, Dad.”

My avatar uttered these words lamentfully under her breath, as if she was ashamed of even admitting it. The amount of raw sadness panged at my heart, and momentarily made me step out of my personal flurry of panic.

This… is real, isn’t it?

If my avatar dies… what happens to her?

A chill ran down my spine as I suddenly remembered the family I used to have, and the feelings of shame, anger, and despair as I blamed myself every day for what happened to them. But now…

Am I being given a chance… to redeem myself?

Whatever was happening, this experience was something I could no longer walk away from. Even if I did, this avatar, whether real or just insanely lifelike, was lamenting its weakness, languishing in its physical and emotional pain, and despairing over the possibility that its tomorrow was no longer promised.

Closing my eyes, I tried to steady my avatar’s breath so I could focus on what needed to be done next.


After taking a deep breath and calming myself down, I began blinking rapidly to try and focus my vision. In the corner of my eye, I spotted something glimmering.


Carefully turning my avatar’s head to look directly into the shimmering object, I suddenly found myself looking at my avatar. In terrible shape no less. Searching for what I could say, I closed my eyes and began to try and speak directly to my avatar.


( Hey, you. It’s going to be okay. )

Though I unconsciously did this the first time, I realized that since I had no physical body, I could not speak out with my avatar’s voice. Instead I tried to speak as I normally would… and somehow my avatar heard me.


The avatar looked at herself in the mirror, realizing that she could hear me, and shook her head.

“It’s over. I’m not strong, and even with your voice in my head, I don’t think we stand a chance against that monster.”

My avatar sniffed and looked like it was going to begin crying again, but before she could continue, I spoke once more.

( Listen… I’m not really sure why any of this is happening, but… this is reality for both you and me right now. I think… I was brought here, in this moment, to help you. )

My avatar stared straight into the mirror without saying anything.

After a short while, I decided to speak again.

( What’s your name? Mine is Pablo. )

My avatar hesitated in answering, but eventually uttered something.

“My name… is Usika.”

( Usika, huh? That’s a really cool name, glad to finally meet you! )

Usika stared at the mirror quietly, then nodded solemnly in return.

( Now let’s get out of here. )

After emitting those last words, the ground beneath us began to rumble once more, and the trash behemoth made itself known to us once more.

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