Creative's Workshop 2020

A Jellybean's Journey

The sweet taste of generosity and friendship.

Day 15: A Jellybean’s Journey

One college morning upon a midday dreary, I spot quite an exotic fellow carrying around a giant jar of colorful shinies. Upon recognizing my not-so-subtle ogling, he approached and asked if I would like to have some jelly beans! A sucker for sweets, I gladly accept, on the only condition that we walk and talk for a spell. He tells me that his grandma sent him this giant jar of the sacchariferous seeds, and was annoyingly amused at the prospect of having to finish it all. I ask him why he just doesn’t leave the jar in the common room, that would solve the problem lickety-split! The Jellybean Giant tells me that’s no fun, it’s not how the jellybeans would like depart from their multi-colored siblings. The Giant wants the opportunity of meeting others he has not crossed paths with before, and offering them a small token of friendship to quite literally sow the seeds of sociability.

And so the Giant contained his journey, to where you may ask? I guess only the jellybeans would know.

And I was glad the Giant decided against suddenly acquiring a brand new case of diabetes.

@dragon @homeroom11


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