Creative's Workshop 2020
Personal Offsite
Day 57: Personal Offsite
Going to be a short daily, long day at work and my brain is about to ooze out of my ears >.>
Joined a Self-Development Zoom Meeting and the speaker was talking about personal offsite. Here are some slides I snagged with my camera :^) These uploaded backwards so uhhhhhh read from bottom to top I guess?
The more these days drag on, the more I realize how important it is to take care of your mental health. The idea of the quarterly personal offsite sounds amazing, and going offsite with up to 3 other people you immensely trust can break down a lot of the personal limitations we didn’t know we had by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable.
Indigenous People’s day is coming up, why not schedule an offsite on that day?
:thinking: Hmm… why not indeed…
@homeroom11 @dragon @wildcat @sabweld @michellebasey @DerekDodds